• Retirement Benefits and Savings Plans


    Virginia Retirement System (VRS):

    Surry County Public Schools VRS-eligible employees contribute 5% of their creditable compensation towards VRS. In addition, the school system contributes 100% of the VRS-eligible employee’s group life insurance premiums.

    VRS-covered employees should go to myVRS to register. You can view your account information, including service and member contributions, purchase of prior service information, employment, and compensation history, and basic group life insurance coverage, updated monthly.  In addition, you can create retirement benefit estimates and change your address. 

    Member Benefit Profiles (MBP) is posted electronically to your myVRS account annually. VRS encourages each member to review their MBP closely for accuracy. This document has important information about your retirement benefits. Any inaccurate information should be corrected before your retirement date to prevent any hold-up on your retirement benefits.
    Not registered? Register at: MyVRS
    Employees Are Encouraged to Subscribe to Member News to receive the latest updates on their VRS benefits.

    Voluntary Savings Plans:

    Voluntary Savings Plans - 403(B) & 457(B) Plan

    How do I enroll?

    You may enroll at any time. Payroll deductions start the first of the month after you enroll. to get more information:

    Authorized Vendors Under the 403(B) & 457(B) Plan Are:

    Horace Mann - Brent Lucy at 757-562-0936 - Email Address: brent.lucy2@horacemann.com

    New York Life - Eric Chappell at 334-324-7838 - Email Address: echappell@ft.newyorklife.com

    GWN Securities - Thomas Griffin at 757-615-6066 - Email Address: tgriffin@gwnsecurities.com

    Vangard - 877-893-5424 - Email Address: clientservices@vanguard403services.com


    Forms & Booklets:

    Plan 1 - Member Handbook (Hired before July 1, 2010, vested with 5 years of service)

    Plan 2 - Member Handbook (Hired before July 1, 2010, not vested less than 5 years of service)

    Note: Hybrid members must complete both the Beneficiary form for Hybrid members and the Beneficiary Designation Form - Defined Contribution (above) in order to designate their beneficiaries.

    Please Note: The above documents are links or PDF's.  To obtain the free version of Adobe Reader please click on the link http://www.adobe.com/products/acrobat/readstep2.html to download now.