New Membership Needed!
If you are interested in joining a worthwhile committee, that helps to steer learning opportunities for students in Surry County with disability needs, please click the link below. The committee is in need of several officers for the 2023-2024 school year. The committee requires an appointment by the Surry County School Board.
The functions of the Special Education Advisory Committee are to:
- Advise the school division of unmet needs in the education of children with disabilities
- Assist the Surry Public Schools in the formulation and development of long-range plans which will provide services needed for children with disabilities in the Surry Public Schools and the community
- Participate in the development of priorities and strategies for meeting the identified needs of children with disabilities
- Submit periodic reports and recommendations to the Surry Public School Board through the division superintendent regarding the education of children with disabilities
- Assist the Surry Public Schools in interpreting the community plans for meeting the needs of children with disabilities for educational advancement