Title I, Part A
Title I, Part A is a federally funded program under the No Child Left Behind Act of 2001. Surry Elementary School receives funding to hire teachers to support students in reading and mathematics. Luther Porter Jackson Middle School receives funding to hire a teacher to provide additional reading instructional support to identified students. The Homeless Children and Youth Program is a part of the Title I, Part A grant. This program ensures that homeless children who reside or move to our county are provided an opportunity to receive a free and appropriate education.
Title II, Part A
Surry County Public Schools receives federal funding from the Title II, Part A program. As a part of No Child Left Behind, the program provides funds to hire a primary-level class size reduction teacher at Surry Elementary. Teachers, teacher assistants, and administrators receive professional development with funds from the Title II, Part A program.
Title II, Part DEnhancing education through technology is the focus of Title II, Part D. This program provides professional development and technology hardware for the school division. Currently, this program offers support to the division's Intel Teach to the Future teacher training program. Our division currently has two certified instructors who train other teachers in the area of technology integration.
Title IV, Part B
Luther Porter Jackson Middle School received a three-year renewable 21st Century Community Learning Center competitive grant in the amount of $190, 258 from the Title IV, Part B Safe and Drug-Free program. This grant provides extended learning opportunities for students attending middle school. Program activities include tutoring, enrichment activities, and a summer residential camp for students. The Surry County Office on Youth provides parental empowerment training for parents. In addition to the office on youth, other partners include the Surry County Department of Parks and Recreation, The Surry County Extension Office, the Young Eagles Program, and Reach for Tomorrow®. The project manager for this program is Mrs. Brittney Custalow. She may be reached at 757-267-2810 or at brittney_custalow@surryschools.net.
Title V, Part A
Title V, Part A is funded under No Child Left behind. It provides funds for enrichment opportunities for gifted learners and instructional materials to improve the instructional program.
Other Federal Programs
In addition to the federal programs listed above, the division receives the Career and Technical Education Federal Carl Perkins grant, Schools and Libraries E-Rate grants, and Individuals with Disabilities Education grants for K-12 and Preschool Special Education programs.