
  • Surry Elementary School

    Built in 1982, Surry Elementary School began operation in the fall of 1983 in the beautiful, historic county of Surry, Virginia.  It is one of three schools in the Surry County Public School System and houses PreKindergarten through 4th grades. We are also home to the Early Childhood Special Education department.  Surry Elementary School is fully accredited by the state of Virginia and has met federal annual measurable objectives!

    We encourage our students to model our three "R's" motto in the classroom and on the bus:           

    • Being Respectful to themselves and others.
    • Being Responsible for their behaviors and actions.
    • Being Ready to learn in the classroom and ride on the bus.

    We believe that the education of a child must be a cooperative effort amongst the child, parent, and teacher.  However, we realize that students have different learning styles and developmental levels.  As a result, we utilize a variety of instructional strategies to cater to each child's educational needs. By working together, we can ensure that each student receives the highest quality of education deserving of them.

    We look forward to building the foundation for your child's educational future when you join our Cougar Cub family!



  • Students at Surry Elementary School are our number one priority.  Our mission is to ensure that each student acquires knowledge, skills, values, and self-confidence in order to meet the challenges of a changing society.  This can only be achieved through the joint partnership of school, home and community.

     Cougar Cub


  • We believe student learning is the number one priority of the school. Students learn in different ways and should be provided with a variety of instructional approaches, current technology and assessments to accommodate different learning styles. Each student is a valued individual with unique physical, social, emotional and intellectual needs. Students learn best when they are actively engaged in the learning process. Student's learning is the primary focus of all decisions enabling them to develop self-esteem, confidence, self-motivation, and to become life long learners and leaders. Students should be provided a safe, respectful, and healthy environment conducive to learning. Students learn integrity, responsibility, and fairness through respect for all people. All teachers are committed to ensuring the success of each student. We, as a community (teachers, administrators, parents and students) must take ownership in advancing the school's mission.