• CTE is Career and Technical Education. Surry County High School places great value on preparing students for both college and career readiness upon graduation. CTE courses provide our students with technical and trade skills that will equip them to be successful in the world of work and school after high school graduation. Currently, SCHS has CTE programs in the areas of agriculture, business, culinary arts, photography, and technology.

    Visit the links to the left to learn more about CTE programs at Surry County High School.


    From VDOE:

    CTE programs in Virginia public schools serve more than 640,000 students in one or more CTE courses in grades 6-12. These programs are designed to prepare young people for productive futures while meeting the commonwealth's need for well-trained and industry-certified technical workers.

    Virginia acknowledges the importance of career and technical education to students and the commonwealth through diploma seals awarded by the Board of Education, by recognizing industry credentialing in its diploma requirements, and through the use of Career Pathways as an integral part of the newly required Academic and Career Plan.