AR Bookfinder
Found a book you'd like to read for AR points but aren't sure if it is an AR book? Look it up on AR Bookfinder. Find the reading level, interest level and point values for thousands of books!
AR Quizzes
Click here to take an AR Quiz, review your points earned, or take the Star reading test with your teacher.
Blackwater Regional Library
Access your public library system for Surry and surrounding counties. Search for books at your public library, reserve books you want to read, and have that book sent to your local library branch.
Citation Help from JMU
Click here for additional help to cite your sources using the MLA guidelines. This is the James Madision University library website.
CITE YOUR SOURCES with Citation Machine
This website will help you to cite your sources properly. You must have the information from your source written down before you use this website. You will use the MLA format - so click on MLA from the left menu bar of the home page. Choose what type of source you are citing from the next page. Enter the correct information into each column and then click submit. Copy and paste your correctly formated citation onto a Word document to print and use for your project.
Destiny is the online library catalog. Please use Destiny to search for books and resources within your library collection.
Discovery Education Streaming Videos
⋅Discovery Education is a great resource for educational videos.
⋅Search by typing in a direct subject search or
⋅Search by subject and grade level or
⋅Use a curriculum standards seach to search for content that covers specific SOL objectives. -
The Economist (News Magazine)
⋅To have access to all articles, login with the email address: cynthia_ranio@surryschools.net
⋅The password is: surrystudent