Mission Statement
It is the mission of the Surry County Public Schools Transportation Department to provide all students with safe, efficient, and effective transportation to and from school. Our personnel ensures that the entire transportation fleet is well maintained. We are proud that our staff works in harmony to maintain an efficient and responsive transportation system.
Safety Tips for Parents
Bus drivers are responsible for the safety of your child/children, but they can only fulfill this responsibility with your assistance. Encourage your child/children to follow the bus safety rules. When any student jeopardizes the safety and well-being of other students, the driver is required to write a bus referral to the principal/designee. Riding the school bus is a privilege. The cooperation of the students, parents, and drivers will make it possible for us to continue to provide a safe system of pupil transportation. To assist us, we ask you:
- Review all bus safety rules with your child/children.
- Visit the bus stop with your child/children.
- Encourage your child/children to be on time.
- Help your child/children understand and recognize the danger zones and blind spots around the school bus.
Regulations for Pupils Riding School Buses
The school principal/designee has the authority to discipline pupils attending public schools and riding buses to and from school. He/She also has the authority to suspend bus riding privileges of students who create disciplinary problems on the bus, posing a hazard to themselves, their fellow students, the bus driver and the motoring public.
These regulations are furnished to all pupils who ride Surry County Public Schools' buses on regular runs, field trips, or extracurricular trips. Parents/Guardians and pupils should read the Student Code of Conduct, sign the appropriate form, and return it to the school.
Meeting the Bus
- Parents or their designees should accompany their children in grades Pre-K to 3 to and from the bus stop.
- Students must be on time. Students should be at their bus stop at least five minutes before regular pickup time.
- Students must not run alongside a moving bus, but wait until it has stopped, then walk to the front door.
- At stops with more than one student, students should line up and board the bus in an orderly manner.
Conduct on Bus
- Students must obey the driver and be courteous to him/her and to fellow students. The driver is in charge of the bus and has the authority to assign seats.
- Students must never mar or deface the bus. Willful or careless damage must be paid for by the student performing the act or his/her parents/guardians.
- Students must not extend arms, legs or head out of the bus.
- Students must not tamper with the emergency door.
- Students must not wave or shout at pedestrians or passengers in other vehicles.
- Students must not throw objects on the bus or out of the window.
- Books, book bags, band instruments or other loose objects must not be placed in the aisles or at the front of the bus on the floor. These items will be permitted aboard ONLY if they can be held in the student's lap.
- Eating, drinking or selling any commodity on the bus is prohibited.
- Students must not open windows without permission from the driver.
- The following items will not be permitted on the bus: head phones, live animals, inflated balloons, canned or bottled drinks, glass objects, unsafe objects (knives, matches, firearms, etc.) nor any other items that do not directly support the educational process.
- Students must have a written note from their parents to change from the regular procedure for returning home each afternoon, subject to the approval of their school administrator.
- Students must ride their assigned buses. No changes in a bus assignment may be made without approval of the Transportation Department.
Leaving the Bus
- Students must remain seated until the bus comes to a full stop.
- Use the same bus and bus stop morning and afternoon. No change may be made without written request from a parent and prior approval by school officials. Drivers may only stop at designated and approved bus stops.
- Wait at the end of the crossing gate in front of the bus until the driver signals it is safe to cross. Stop at the traffic side of the bus and look to see if it is still safe to cross. Do not run.
- Leave the bus in an orderly fashion, allowing students in the front seats to get off first.
- Leave anything that is dropped after leaving the bus. Get permission from the driver prior to picking it up, so that the driver is aware of your location.
- Never throw any object at or out of the school bus. A student involved in such an action may be charged with a felony.
- Move away from the Danger Zones. Never run beside, try to touch or cross behind the bus as it leaves.
- Report any injuries received on the bus or any unsafe acts to the bus driver.
**Students are subject to all the conditions of the Student Code of Conduct while at the bus stop, going to and from school or riding the bus.**